Woof! The Auckland Pride Dog Show -
What a wonderful day full of silly competitions including 'Miss Personality', 'Butch-est dog', 'Girly-girl-est dog' etc., etc., and the most hilarious agility course ever.
Judged by drag queen Anita Wig'let, local comedian Te Radar and Labour Party rep Jacinda Adern, everybody was definitely feeling the lurve!
Yes indeed, they are the smallest dogs in. the. world....
You want me to jump over that like I'm a big dog.....? I'm so confused....
What a wonderful day full of silly competitions including 'Miss Personality', 'Butch-est dog', 'Girly-girl-est dog' etc., etc., and the most hilarious agility course ever.
Judged by drag queen Anita Wig'let, local comedian Te Radar and Labour Party rep Jacinda Adern, everybody was definitely feeling the lurve!
Yes indeed, they are the smallest dogs in. the. world....
You want me to jump over that like I'm a big dog.....? I'm so confused....
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